
comparative religion中文是什么意思

  • 比较宗教学:研究各宗教的异同。
  • 宗教比较学



  • 例句与用法
  • I do research on religious history and comparative religion
  • Professor tus research interests are confucian humanism , chinese intellectual history , philosophies of east asia , and comparative religion
  • Some academics have taken to using the word to mean " comparative religion " , now that the word has become well known but this certainly dilutes the specific meaning it acquired during the time of blavatsky
    一些学者使用这个词以指“比较宗教” ,既然这个词已变得众所周知,但这当然冲淡了布拉瓦茨基夫人当时它得名时的特定的意思。
  • It will be required reading for scholars of daoist studies and chinese religion and medieval history and illuminating to experts in comparative religion and religious studies in general as well as to the wider public interested in questions of monastic life
  • His research interests cover a wide range of areas , including the theory of culture , clan structure , comparative religion , mythology , etc . professor li himself was instrumental in opening up many of these fields , which had remained relatively uncultivated until then
  • We also have scholars of " comparative religion " who can ask better questions than i . here , on behalf of the many people who may share similar thoughts , i d like to ask supreme master two questions that are related more to the quan yin method . the door of enlightenment is open to all sentient beings question number one : we notice that in your address to the world religion congress in cape town , south africa in december 1999 , you did not emphasize the teachings
  • 百科解释
Comparative religion is that branch of the study of religions concerned with the systematic comparison of the doctrines and practices of the world's religions. There are many benefits to such a course of enquiry but in general the comparative study of religion yields a deeper understanding of the fundamental philosophical concerns of religion such as ethics, metaphysics and the nature and form of salvation.
  • 其他语种释义
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